OHunter 100cc Retail Pack 150bags

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Product Description 

Silica Gel Director OHunter Oxygen Absorber product completely absorbs oxygen in the package and significantly extends the best-before date of packaged foods or other products by the oxidizing reaction of iron powder. It prevents mold growth, discoloration and oil oxidation and helps preserve the fragrance and flavor.

Product Code

Nominal oxygen capacity (ml)

Nominal oxygen capacity (ml)

Dimension of absorber (mm)

Number per Carton 

U-20 20 100 35x40 8,000
U-30 30 150 35x45 6,000
U-50 50 250 40x50 4,000
U-100 100 500 40x60 3,000

Amount to use depends on the oxygen volume of the void space (the space not occupied by the food/goods) in a package. Oxygen presents in 20% of air volume. 

If the void space is 100 ml, it contains 20 ml of oxygen. Hence, a packet of U-20 will suffices.

Australian company, sent from Australia, always in stock and on time.

Packet Size 40mm x 60mm
150 pcs per retail pack

Phone 1300 784 984